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Thursday, May 19, 2016

ClusterframeFreebies 1-20 - Previous on CDO

My CT-manager Tonya pointed me out that all my clusterframefreebies 
I offered at the previous CDO blog weren't available anymore. 

We can't have that, now can we? 
Every clusterframe is a matching one to a CDO kit 
except for the 3rd and 20th one :D 
So instead of uploading them all 1 by 1 
I zipped all 20 of them for you 
which you can download - HERE 

 What's inside this zip, you ask????

Have fun and don't forget...
Cindy looks great on tags 
and always welcome in my folders =D

   photo signaturwechicchi_zpsyopxeclb.png



